i’ve been in some departments with some really cool people. i was dgs at rutgers for a bit. i’ve been an associate editor at s&p since 2012. you can download a (more or less) complete and (probably pretty) up to date version of my cv here. My google scholar page is here.
sherwin scott professor (2021-present)
department of philosophy
university of arizona
professor (2015–2021)
department of philosophy
rutgers university
associate professor (2009–2015)
department of philosophy
rutgers university
assistant professor (2004–2009)
department of philosophy
university of michigan
assistant professor (2003–2004)
department of philosophy
harvard university
assistant professor (2001–2003)
department of philosophy
the university of texas at austin
o t h e r a f f i l i a t i o n s
core faculty (2021-present)
center for the philosophy of freedom
university of arizona
member, executive committee
rutgers center for cognitive science (2015–2021)
white distinguished visiting professor (spring 2014)
department of philosophy
university of chicago
affiliate (2014–2021)
department of linguistics
rutgers university
affiliate, (2011–present)
interdisciplinary center for economic science
george mason university